Components Affecting Endurance

October 12, 2022
2 mins read

Endurance is the ability to continue exercise for a necessary time period without lowering the quality of the exercise. In other words, endurance is the ability to oppose fatigue.

There are four kinds of fatigue -

Mental - Boredom

Emotional - A result of the strong emotions observed after performance at sports competitions or after performing movements that require overcoming fear.

Sensory - A consequence of heightened activity of the sensory organs (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Skin).

Physical - Caused by muscular work.

Fatigue is present in all sports. In different sports, however, different kinds of fatigue are highlighted. E.g. Fencing displays sensory and emotional fatigue where as long distance running exhibits physical and mental fatigue.

The following components affect endurance:

1) Psychological Components

A) Pain Tolerance

B) Motivation

2) Physiological Components

A) Local Muscular Endurance which includes -

i) The strength of a specific muscle group.

ii) The density of capillaries in a specific muscle group.

iii) The energy stores in a specific muscle group.

B) Cardiovascular and General Endurance of the Athlete

i) Strength of all muscles working together.

ii) Energy stores e.g. Creatine, Glycogen, Fat.

iii) Cardiorespiratory components -

- Respiratory system function

- Heart stroke volume

- Blood capacity to transport oxygen

- Muscle capillary efficiency

iiii) Anaerobic Components -

- Blood buffer capacity

- Capability to endure high acidity in the body

C) Thermoregulation effectiveness of the body

D) Effectiveness of the nervous system to provide great movement economy and technique.

E) Muscle efficiency which regulates the amount of energy depleted to perform a movement.

Both Aerobic Endurance and Anaerobic Endurance can be categorized into General Endurance of the athletes whole body and local endurance.

Aerobic endurance has its physiological foundation in aerobic fitness and Anaerobic endurance in anaerobic fitness.

Fitness is not the same as endurance. It only determines the potential of the athlete, a potential that with willpower may be realized.

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Matthew Watkin-Jones

Strength & Conditioning Coach

Experienced strength and conditioning coach with 15+ years of expertise and NSCA CSCS qualification. Global work, sports degree, and insightful articles showcase the commitment to optimizing athlete performance. A proven professional.

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