Hormones are involved in many administrative roles for metabolism, growth and development, hydration, cardiovascular adaptations, immune responses and stress reactivity.
- Swimming in open waters boosts the functioning of the nervous system and thermoregulation of the body. - Frequent swimming in the summer prevents worsening of arthritic pains of the spine and joints that normally arise in winter.
Lack of sleep causes irritability and an increased feeling of fatigue. Lack of sleep hinders memory, learning sports skills, attention, reaction time, creative thinking and the ability to deal with hard situations. If lack of sleep is regular, physical performance is also impaired.
Jet lag is a disconnection of ones internal biological clock from the actual time of day, caused by travel to a time zone different than one is customary to. This detachment from real time may cause an athlete to operate poorly at the time of performance.
Sometimes the current spotlight on physiological measurement in strength and conditioning causes coaches & trainers to lose vision of the significance of enhancing methods of kinematic learning.
Sports training is a way of stressing the body in a desirable manner to enable the athlete to adapt to high levels of stress in competition. A great deal of these training methods and adaptations are very useful in helping you cope with stress, both in sport and daily living.
"Its not the will to win that matters. Everyone has that. Its the will to prepare to win that matters". Training or Conditioning is the process whereby the body and mind are prepared to reach a heightened level of work capacity and fitness.
Fats are used for energy and for developing every cell in the body. All cell membranes are fats and proteins. The brain and nerves are mainly fat. Fats are also used as shock absorbers for the organs and the feet (heel pad) as well as thermal insulation.
To establish an athletes daily protein intake, a coach needs to know how much protein is in the athletes body (lean body mass) and the rate that the athlete breaks it down, depending on the activity level.
Carbohydrates are converted to glucose to supply energy for the brain. Where as muscle cells can burn fat, nerve cells can only use glucose for their energy demands.
1. Introductory Mesocycle. This type of mesocycle starts a Macrocycle. Normally it contains two to three general preparation cycles and one restoration microcycle.
Below are six considerations that affect success in training and competition: 1) Health - Health dictates the athlete’s mood toward training
Mental training - also called imagery training or emotional self control, is used in an athletes sport specific preparation and throughout the competition period.
Tactical training includes developing tactical thinking, mastering the theoretical basis of tactics, becoming proficient in the practical tactics including their variations and learning about opponents.
The purpose of technical training is to learn and improve the technique for competition and training actions. Technical training can be separated into general, directed and sport specific technical training.
There are 3 pre competition emotional states - readiness, anxiety and apathy. These emotional states are related and correspond with levels of arousal - optimal for the exercise, too high and too low.
Agility is the ability to perform precisely coordinated, fluid changes of whole body movements quickly. It is a combination of coordination, power and speed whilst also an expression of the mobility of the central nervous system.
Coordination is developed by learning new and varied exercises and by performing familiar exercises in new conditions. When learning new coordination exercises, the athlete should not aim for perfection but for basic proficiency in the general technique of the exercise.
The qualities of a strong will are such characteristics as discipline, purposefulness, self-sufficiency, initiative, self-control, confidence, perseverance, decisiveness and courage.
Sports training affects every aspect of an athlete - The skills, physical abilities and psychological characteristics. Psychological training is required for developing an enhanced level of competitive form as well as for improving physical abilities.
Exposure to a cold environment has extreme effects on many features of the human response to exercise. It brings about changes in the lungs, heart, blood vessels, muscles, nerves, rate of metabolism and the functioning of brown fat.
Training and Competitions in hot environments offer an additional challenge to athletes as heat dissipation becomes a limiting factor for performance.
The Effectiveness of altitude training for a particular athlete depends on many factors, including genetics, training status, total physical and mental stress, diet and recovery.
Certain sports can be used during the off-season or preparation periods as a method of recovery or improving certain qualities such as fine motor control or explosiveness.
Some of the most important aspects for establishing sport specific training are: 1) Sports training should be a year round and multi year procedure.
Spondylolisthesis is endemic among athletes participating in sports, particularly those requiring repetitive hyperextension movements such as in gymnastics and cricket bowling.
The best athletes who perform at the highest level and avoid injury are very intelligent in understanding the process of activating muscles and groups of muscles.
Overtraining and Exhaustion are both a result of imbalance between stress and adaptation of the body. Adaptation leads to an increased functional level of the body where as stress depletes the current reserves.
Does everyone need to stretch? Some do and some don't. Cross sectional studies of sports such as basketball have shown that the best performing athletes are the "tighter" ones with bodies "wound like springs".
The design of any strength and conditioning programme would be insufficient without attention being paid to all features of safety in training, including safety of training methods, individual exercises, sequence of exercises, intensity, volume, time under tension and recovery periods.
Considering that tendons and ligaments are viscoelastic, they also display sensitivity to loading rate and undergo relaxation, creep and hysteresis.
Acute or chronic injury may make it impossible for an athlete to produce maximal strength or execute other motor qualities.
Movement Analysis and Testing can play huge roles and add great value to a training programme. It doesn't matter whether the client is an athlete in peak condition, returning from injury or somebody that is completely new to exercise, everybody can benefit.
Menopause is defined as the final menstrual period, which is confirmed after the absence of a menstrual cycle for 12 continuous months.
Several microcycles (2-6) form one mesocycle. Normally a mesocycle lasts anywhere from two to four weeks. The types of microcycles forming the mesocycle and the workload in them depends on factors such as the athletes condition, methods of recovery, competition structures and rest periods between them.
The risk of heavy lifting during pregnancy is not injury to the baby but injury to the mother. Pregnancy Hormones (Oestrogen, Progesterone, Relaxin etc) cause the ligaments to soften, which helps the pelvis widen to create space for childbirth.
Since bones are living tissues, they have the capacity to adapt their structure and mechanical properties to the functional demands of the whole body.
1. Large height should be preferenced over adding additional weight. 2. Rebound time should be of minimal duration, but adequate enough to create powerful contraction of the muscles.
Golgi Tendon Organs are nerve networks located in the tendons of the muscles, constantly monitoring tension and help to coordinate actions of many cooperating muscles.
Looking from the outside, it would appear as if dynamic contraction of the muscles of the arms and legs during movements such as running would result in a substantial expenditure of energy.
When a person sleeps at night, osmotic pressure causes the discs to expand. This decreases lumbar flexion by about 5 degrees.
The deep stabilizers have multiple functions within the body. Firstly they must co-contract to secure spine stability but secondly and just as importantly, they must assist in elevated breathing.
The core muscles are structurally different from those of the limbs from a motor control context.
1. Begin the training session with flexion-extension cycles, also known as the cat-camel exercise. This reduces spine viscosity.
A healthy performing body depends on correct function of the pelvis and hips to stabilize the spine, avoid disc herniation and prevent lower back pain. The various muscles surrounding the hips and pelvis have multiple functions.
The side bridge is an outstanding exercise to challenge the major stabilizers of the abdominal obliques, latissimus dorsi and quadratus lumborum, while sparing the spine from high loads.
Because the intra abdominal cavity contains mainly liquid and viscous material, it can be considered an element that can transmit forces from the muscles surrounding the cavity to the supporting structures of the core.
Many people with bad backs are programmed back and core exercises that exceed the capacity of their damaged/weak tissues.
The crossed pelvis syndrome is the result of muscle strength imbalances in the lower body and may be one such cause of back pain and impaired athletic performance.
Endurance is the ability to continue exercise for a necessary time period without lowering the quality of the exercise. In other words, endurance is the ability to oppose fatigue.
The following are signs of performing too little aerobic exercises in proportion to anaerobic exercises e.g. strength training
Strength-Endurance involves the production of muscular force without a decrease in efficiency over a long time.
Physical conditioning is a result of balanced nutrition integrated with an exercise programme of appropriate intensity, duration and type, carefully periodized over an extended period which includes sufficient recovery phases to repair cells, regenerate energy stores and encourage supercompensation.
Performance improvement in endurance sports is associated with expanding the potential to utilize aerobic sources of energy by raising the onset of blood lactate accumulation (the level of oxygen use at which the anaerobic systems begin to trigger).
Cardiovascular Fitness can be defined as the ability to transport and make use of oxygen during constant strenuous exercise displaying the efficiency of the lungs, heart, vascular system, and exercising muscles.
Simultaneous endurance and strength training increases endurance performance further than that achieved by endurance training alone.
Since Speed Exercises require fatigue to be minimal, the best time to do them is straight after the warm-up
Speed as a movement ability has one dimension – time. An athlete’s speed can be demonstrated as reaction time, time of a single movement or as time performing a number of movements.
Lots of reps of the same “speed” exercises create a pattern in the central nervous system.
The notion of Speed-Strength is highly generalized and depends on the context.
With strength exercises intended to enhance the speed of movements, the resistance should be such as to let the athlete move with speed comparable to the speed in sporting actions.
Periodization is essential for sports. Athletes must have cycles of General Physical Preparation and Specialized Physical Preparation throughout the Annual Macrocycle to increase performance and prevent injuries.
Speed exercises must meet three main requirements: A) The technique of the exercise, in it's perfect form, must allow for maximal speed of movements
Sports training causes an increase in the difference between muscle contractions at the highest and the lowest effort.
It is interesting to have a quick glance at the functions of shoes in the weight training room.
For both adults and children, it is critical to first have any posture defects or imbalances corrected before starting a strengthening program.
Sport Specific Strength Training has to develop the exact type of strength of the muscles that dictates technical proficiency in a given sport
Ascending from a squat with the hips rising too fast compared to the chest, indicates hamstring dominance for hip extension
A muscle does not need to be maximally stretched to be torn. Muscle tears are the consequence of a combination of a sudden contraction and a stretch at the same moment.
Strength Training for children has become more popular over the past decade as parents and professionals
During the general preparation period, the job of strength training is to regain and surpass the level of general strength from the previous season.
To enhance or maintain any ability, movement or skill, one should use the least training load necessary to deliver a desired result.
Jumping capacity is an expression of explosive strength in the form of a jump. Other expressions of explosive strength include martial arts kicks and punches, or the action of the arm in javelin.
It has been known for a long time that the capability to produce power is an important physical ability in older athletes.
Benefits for women who perform a suitable strength training program include the following –
Research has shown that, in the yearly macrocycle, the weekly amount of volume and intensity coexist closely in sports requiring strength.
There are many ideas and beliefs about what the best method is to follow for building the greatest muscle size (hypertrophy).
The unavoidable arrival of sticking points in training is one of the most disheartening events in the life of any athlete or determined fitness enthusiast.
The strength deficit indicates the percentage of maximal strength potential which is not used during a movement.
A combination of free weights and resistance bands allow athletes to exercise under special overload conditions designed to strengthen particular weaknesses in the movement pattern performed under normal loaded conditions.
The bodies movements, including the display of strength, is closely related to the athletes motivational level and objective.
Isometric contraction requires a muscle to increase its force from rest to a maximum or sub maximum value over a given time, to sustain this force for another set interval and then to decrease this force to rest. You may distinguish between explosive isometrics, which requires rapid acceleration upto the maximum force value and slow isometrics with a much longer onset to maximum force.
Maximum strength is the largest force displayed in a very slow movement against a heavy weight.
Practically any methods of strength training will increase the strength of a beginner during the first few months, on the condition that intensity is kept at a safe level.
What is F=MA and how does it relate to resistance training? -Resistance training requires the muscles to produce force against an external resistance, be it weights, elastic bands, chains, machines or water.
Peak Fitness & Lifestyle, 1 The Old Smokery, Northleach GL54 3JL
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